"Haunting. Stifling. Wired." Named after a man-made construct to capture or control, Falle have been fueling anticipation since summer 2018, and stretch from the flourishing Vienna/Graz tape-head scene as a collaboration between Tina Bauer, Markus Gönitzer and Peter Lazarus. United by a firm lo-fi mindset and a joint vein for the grim and murky, they lurk in the substantial negative space between catchy ‘80s-esque Bat Cave and a barren basement wallpapered with primal Units posters, early Holograms & Frustration or the likes. Driven by stubborn drum strokes, their biting synth patterns and bleak bass lines close around blunt, determined chants of introspection. Monotony? Repetition? Insistence! Turns out, we 're lured into a compelling body-gripper between grave post-punk dramatics and brittle punk temperament. Take the bait!
Released in December 2019 on Cut Surface.
Written and performed by Falle:
Tina Bauer (synth/drums/vox)
Markus Gönitzer (bass/vox)
Peter Lazarus (drums/synth/vox)
Recorded, mixed and mastered by Philipp Forthuber.
Dubbed at Turbo's.
Design by Peter Lazarus and Tina Bauer.
Portrait by Marija Jociūtė.